Agreement to Terminate a Tenancy (Form N9)

When it comes to renting a property, there are times when tenants may need to terminate their tenancy agreement earlier than expected. In such cases, the Agreement to Terminate a Tenancy (Form N9) comes into play. This form is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of ending a tenancy early. In this article, we will discuss the important aspects of Form N9, including the purpose, process, and steps involved.

The Purpose of Form N9

Form N9 is mainly used to end a tenancy agreement before the expiry date of the lease. This could be due to a number of reasons, such as the tenant needing to move to another city or country, financial difficulties, or other personal circumstances. Regardless of the reason, both the tenant and landlord must agree to terminate the tenancy, and this agreement must be documented in writing using Form N9.

The Process

To initiate the process of terminating a tenancy using Form N9, the tenant must first give written notice to the landlord. This notice should include the reason for ending the tenancy and the proposed date of termination. The landlord must then agree to the termination and both parties should sign the Form N9. Once signed, the document is legally binding, and the tenancy will end on the agreed-upon date.

It is important to note that terminating a tenancy early may come with financial implications. The tenant may be required to pay rent for the remaining period of the lease, or may lose their security deposit. These details should be discussed and clearly outlined in the Form N9 before it is signed.

Steps Involved

To fill out Form N9, both the tenant and landlord must provide their names and contact information, as well as the address of the rental property. The reason for the early termination should also be provided, along with the agreed-upon date of termination. Both parties must then sign and date the form.

Once completed, the Form N9 should be served to the landlord in person, by mail, or email. A copy of the form should also be kept by both parties for future reference.


In summary, the Agreement to Terminate a Tenancy (Form N9) is an important legal document used to end a tenancy agreement before its expiry date. It outlines the terms and conditions of ending the tenancy, including the reason for termination and the agreed-upon date of termination. As a professional, it is important to note that using keywords such as “rental property,” “tenancy agreement,” and “termination process” can help increase the visibility of this article online.

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